Viaggiare con i nostri amici a quattro zampe in italia oggi, resta ancora un'impresa assai difficile!
Sono moltissime le strutture alberghiere che non accettano animali e quando siamo fortunati a trovarne una,quasi sempre non offre nessun servizio specifico insomma ti devi arrangiare da solo su come gestire e far divertire il tuo cane/gatto,
Lui è Cocco,un meticcio di piccola taglia e non c'è viaggio di famiglia a cui lui non partecipi!
Una struttura amatissima da Cocco,dove si sente libero di perlustrare il territorio,divertirsi,fare il bagno e comportarsi liberamente da cane (sempre nel rispetto di tutti,umani compresi!) è sicuramente "Baia del silenzio" un villaggio turistico a Palinuro.
Per tutti coloro che amano fare vacanza in compagnia dei propri animali domestici,vi lascio il link di questo villaggio dove sono sicura vi troverete benissimo!
Se conoscete altre strutture alberghiere che accettano e trattano con rispetto i nostri amici a quattro zampe postate un commento con tutti i dati relativi,grazie.
venerdì 16 novembre 2012
giovedì 15 novembre 2012
Travelling by bus in Italy.
For travel in Italy, the bus is the cheapest, but the service is not very frequent, and is less comfortable and fast train. There is no real national system bus.
If you are patient people who love to travel slowly to savor every moment of the journey by flushing your eyes a thousand different landscapes that make up Italy from Sicily to prevent valley, I advise you to try, personally this is the type of trip that I prefer.
I leave here some links that will help you choose the path that suits you best by city, price and journey times.
Have a good trip!
mercoledì 14 novembre 2012
Le terme di Calidario
Little advice on how to spend a day in Tuscany of relaxation and well-being.
If you're ever in Tuscany sure to visit the thermal structure spledida the "caldarium" hot spring that flows directly into the pool at a temperature of 36 ° ribs with a capacity of about 12,000 liters per minute.
in the heart of Venturina (province of Livorno), home of the Etruscans that here, as in Piombino, Baratti, Populonia, began the practice of metal casting
in the countryside, once there you can choose what to do: natural spring, thermarium, residence, restaurant and massages. or ptreste go before the themarium, you make a masaggio regenerating stop coming to the hot springs, go to dinner in the beautiful restaurant and spend the night in the beautiful and fully equipped rooms in the residence. hey presto, complete formula!
prices? here are satisfied (so I know them there were wondering!)
Hours 8:30 to 20:30
adult admission € 15.00
input children (2-10 years) € 7.50
Please note: In July and August night swimming until 24:00
take advantage of being on holiday in Tuscany in August, I can assure you that bathing in a hot spring under a blanket of stars is a unique experience ... just to share with someone special ...
if you decide to go to the source, you can choose to pamper you. how?
Cabinet with Key €. 2.50
Sunlounger €. 5.00
Umbrella €. 5.00
Shampoo / Shower Cap or €. 0.50
Child costume / A - Male / Female various sizes €. 12,00 / 22,00
Rubber slippers various sizes €. 7.50
Caps and T-Shirt (Various sizes)
various sizes €. 9,00 / 18,00
Bath towel and sponge
various sizes €. 19,00 / 39,00
Disposable towel various sizes €. 3.50
If you prefer the thermarium, know that the cost is 35 € for wellness. no time limit. a condition: either the morning or afternoon, not wanted to be soaking all day eh!
you need to do before entering a doccettina fast and wash your feet in a special machine. once inside you will be greeted dale hostess who will explain how. first thermal pool with nice jacuzzi jets placed at different heights in the tank (very attractive, I assure you), then turkish bath, about 10 minutes, then a nice cool shower in different shades of "fresh", so we re-immerse in the warmth of the sauna and after another 10 minutes, another round of cold shower. Finally you can 'relax on the lounge chairs provided while sipping a steaming hot tea. soooooo relaxing .. I'm relaxing just to talk about it ..
of course you can repeat the route, always remembering: either the morning or afternoon.
once you quit, you can 'fine linger in the warm pool outdoor all'oraio until closing.
the pool illuminated by the soft light and soft torches is another show not to be missed ...
Luci d'artista a salerno
Per tutti coloro che vivono in campania o per coloro che visiteranno questa regione dal 03/11/2012 al 31/12/2012 un evento da non perdere è sicuramente partecipate a LE LUCI D'ARTISTA A SALERNO e sarete proiettati in una atmosfera natalizia davvero unica nel suo genere.
Si accendono le Luci d'Artista 2012 a Salerno. Torna la fantastica esposizione d'arte luminosa che nelle passate edizioni ha richiamato in città milioni di visitatori. Tante le novità di questa edizione tra elfi, draghi, universi, foreste glaciali, tappeti volanti e tanto altro ancora che saranno esposti - fino al mese di gennaio - nelle strade e nelle piazze di tutto il capoluogo.
L'appuntamento con l'inaugurazione è fissato per sabato 3 novembre, alle ore 17.30, nella villa Comunale, alla presenza del Sindaco di Salerno Vincenzo De Luca. Si proseguirà poi con una passeggiata a piedi per le strade del Centro Storico per ammirare le opere fino a Piazza Flavio Gioia.
Adatto a tutti,ma i vostri bambini vi ringrazieranno per sempre.
Ci sei già stato? lascia un commento e raccontaci la tua esperienza.
Sagre natalizie
Visti i tempi,partecipare ad una sagra ti permette di divertirti,mangiare bene e spendere davvero poco.
L'Italia è costellata ancora oggi di feste tradizionali e sagre in ogni periodo dell'anno.
Esistono eventi famosi in tutto il mondo, come il Palio di Siena, il Carnevale di Venezia o quello di Ivrea, la Festa di San Gennaro a Napoli, la Sagra di Sant'Efisio a Cagliari, solo per citarne alcuni.
Esistono tuttavia molte manifestazioni di portata solo nazionale, incentrata sull'enogastronomia ad esempio come la famosa Sagra delle Castagne di Soriano nel Cimino (VT) la famosa Sagra dell'uva di Marino, la Sagra del pesce di Camogli, la Sagra degli Antichi Sapori e Saperi di Gragnano (NA), la Sagra delle rane di Usago, la Sagra del Fungo Porcino diOriolo Romano, la sagra di Sommacampagna, Aria di Festa a San Daniele del Friuli (UD), la sagra dedicata al famoso prosciutto crudo, il Festival delle sagre astigiane ad Astiincentrata sull'enogastronomia piemontese;
o incentrate su giochi medioevali e manifestazioni di culto come la Corsa dei Ceri di Gubbio, le feste della Giubiana o la Festa di Sant'Agata a Catania, il Gioco del ponte a Pisa, laFesta della Tratta di Marotta (PU), la Festa dei Gigli a Nola (NA).
Di seguito troverete tutte le sagre del mese in campania e il link di tutte le sagre italiane,se ci siete già stati lasciate un commento e raccontateci la vostra esperienza.
Sagre in Campania a partire dal 14/11/2012
il 16/11/2012 - Atripalda (AV)
Cena Spettacolo Baccalà principe della tavola
dal 17/11/2012 al 18/11/2012 - Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi (AV)
La Sagra delle Sagre
il 24/11/2012 - Sirignano (AV)
Natale Piccirillo
il 02/12/2012 - Tora e Piccilli (CE)
Natale al borgo: i sapori del parco
dal 29/11/2012 al 02/12/2012 - Salerno (SA)
VII Salone Internazionale della Mozzarella e della dieta mediterranea
dal 29/11/2012 al 02/12/2012 - Salerno (SA)
VII Salone Internazionale della Mozzarella e della dieta mediterranea
dal 08/12/2012 al 09/12/2012 - Marcianise (CE)
Sapori nostrani e prodotti artistici locali X edizione
dal 13/12/2012 al 16/12/2012 - Marigliano (NA)
Fiera Missionaria CMV
dal 19/12/2013 al 23/12/2012 - Afragola (NA)
E Nata...lemozione
dal 24/11/2012 al 06/01/2013 - succivo (CE)
Natale a Succivo
dal 24/11/2012 al 06/01/2013 - Telese Terme (BN)
Mercatino di Natale
You are on vacation in Italy and you chose to rent a car to enjoy your holiday in freedom?
Italy is still dotted with traditional feasts and festivals throughout the year.
Events are famous all over the world, such as the Palio di Siena, the Venice Carnival or to Ivrea, the Feast of San Gennaro in Naples, Sant'Efisio feast in Cagliari, just to name a few.
However, there are many manifestations of national scope only, focused sull'enogastronomia such as the famous Chestnut Festival Soriano nel Cimino (VT), the famous Grape Festival in Marino, Camogli Fish Festival, the Festival of Ancient Flavors and knowledge of Gragnano (NA), the Festival of frogs Usago, the Porcini Mushroom Festival of Oriolo Romano, the festival of Sommacampagna, Aria di Festa in San Daniele del Friuli (UD), the festival dedicated to the famous ham, the Festival festivals of Asti in Asti Piedmont focused sull'enogastronomia;
or focusing on medieval games and religious events such as the Corsa dei Ceri in Gubbio, a party of Giubiana or the Feast of Saint Agatha in Catania, the game of bridge in Pisa, the Feast of the Trafficking in Marotta (PU), the Feast dei Gigli Nola (NA).
Attend a festival gives you so many advantages, the first is certainly that you will have the unique opportunity to immerse yourself in true Italian traditions lantani from all the tourist stereotypes, the second is that you will have the unique opportunity to eat wholesome foods that meet the true tradition Italian culinary spending very little (in fact the festivals a good plate of pasta costs a maximum of two or three euro), third, you'll have surely because there is no Italian festival that is not
accompanied by music and dance Dovo you can try with the locals!
So if you're on vacation in Italy, took part in a festival, will be for you an unforgettable experience.
I recommend here are some sites where you can find the festival near you
martedì 13 novembre 2012
Naples as all major cities of the send has its dangers, but just follow some tips for an unforgettable holiday in this beautiful city.
If traveling by train will most likely arrive in Naples Central Station in Piazza Garibaldi, now as all the stations of the central city in the world this place is teeming with all kinds of people, you will probably be approached by many people who try to sell you anything (not forgetting that this is where the scam of the package), you ignore them politely and head briskly towards the taxi rank, it is here that you will begin to immerse yourself in the cheerful chaos that reigns in this city.
Very often the hotels around the central station offer very low prices because let's face it the area is not the best, so if you can avoid staying qui.Per discover the city may be sufficient simply to walk around, but if you do not want to miss the best , started from the beautiful historical memories of the Capodimonte Museum and the Royal Palace with the worst signs of modernity, traffic and chaos. Religious devotion to San Gennaro, who lives with the pagan soul of the city, preserved and handed down in the underground Naples and in the Cappella San Severo, including the "Capuzzelle" of the dead and and the alchemy of the Veiled Christ. And then glimpses of a breathtaking, rules which apply only here and nowhere else on earth. There is so much to see, and it is not easy to choose. Naples is a true theater of life, open, free and accessible to all. But do not expect only funny scenes and backgrounds postcard. To discover the city may be sufficient simply to walk around, but if you do not want to miss the best,
Spaccanapoli is the road that goes from the Spanish Quarter district of Forcella, cutting a straight line in the city of Naples. Quest'arteria has ancient origins: it is one of the three decumani (the one closest to the sea) in which the Romans, based on the Greek construction, organized the city. Walking Spaccanapoli time seems to slow down and speed up alongside your steps, taking you by the hand along the ancient history of the city. Here there are only the old buildings, the churches, but also the legends and the unmistakable odor of Neapolitan cuisine. Do not be surprised by anything along the way you will meet Spaccanapoli splendid churches and families living in low-artists and artisans selling anything illegal. For some 'years of small hotels and bed and breakfasts have sprung up along the way, allowing tourists to experience Naples just like the Neapolitans. Spaccanapoli is a narrow alley, where Neapolitans, tourists and scooters coexist, not very peacefully. But there is no place in the city that can best tell the soul of Naples, its essence is revealed here without tricks.
When: 7:00 to 19:00
The Royal Palace of Naples
At the end of 1500, the news of the possible visit of King Philip III in Naples, created quite a stir. The capital of the Viceroyalty, in fact, had no place to house the most powerful man in the world. After endless thoughts, the viceroy Don Fernando, ordered the construction of a residence for the illustrious visitor. The Royal Palace was commissioned in 1600 by Domenico Fontana, who delivered after only two years, although not completely finished. Too bad, that the capricious King Philip III changed his mind without warning: postponed his visit to Naples to date. You who are more fortunate of the King, visit the royal apartments, the Royal Chapel, the gardens and the Theatre of the court.
When: Every day from 9:00 to 20:00
Never: every Wednesday, December 25, January 1, April 25 and May 1.
How much: Adults € 4, € 2 reduced.
Such as: central station, bus stop R2 with San Carlo. Capodichino airport, Alibus Piazza Municipio stop.
Archaeological Museum of Naples
Before riding school and the University, the Archaeological Museum of Naples was inaugurated in 1816 and today is one of the most important in the world for the quality and quantity of art that it contains. King Ferdinand IV of Naples wanted to create a massive institution for the arts and, after more than two centuries, we can say that its ambitions have been implemented. The Archaeological Museum, in addition to containing the findings of the excavations of Pompeii, home to exhibits of the greek-Roman, Egyptian and Etruscan antiquities collection Borgia and ancient coins in the collection Santangelo. Do not miss the "Secret Cabinet" which contains frescoes and ancient sculptures on the theme of eroticism.
When: Every day from 9.00 to 20.00
Never: every Tuesday, 1 January, 25 December
How much: Adults € 6.50, reduced € 3.25
How: from Piazza Garibaldi (station), bus 201 or line 2 metro stops at Piazza Cavour station.
Naples Underground
For many years, the deep belly of Naples, has been derived tuff to build the city, creating ravines, caves and underground passages that tell a parallel story to life in the Naples area. In the underground city people led another life, using the inside in a thousand ways, even as precious shelter during the bombings of World War II. Underground Naples is a place of ghosts of Naples, true and false, good and bad. And if visiting these tunnels tight and wet you feel like you hear a strange voices, you're not going crazy: it is from these passages that was born the legend of the "munaciello.
Where: Piazza Trieste e Trento
When: Thursday at 21, on Saturday at 10am, 12 and 18. Sunday holidays 10am, 11am, 12 and 18.
Where: Piazza San Gaetano
When: from Monday to Friday at 12, to 14, and 16, Thursdays at 21:00. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, at 10, to 12, to 14, to 16 and 1
Sansevero Chapel and the Veiled Christ in Naples
The Veiled Christ is one of the most fascinating and mysterious that you can see in Naples. It is said that the veil of marble on the body of Christ, is actually a veil fabric, turned into rock by a special liquid invented by the sinister Prince of San Severo, a famous alchemist. Many, however, argue that the surprise effect is all the talent of Giuseppe Sanmartino, the sculptor who created the Veiled Christ. The discovery of a secret room and some macabre works, visible in the Chapel of San Severo, have contributed to the Prince and the Veiled Christ aura of mystery. The Chapel is worth a visit not only for Christ but also for the other works on this little gem hidden in the streets of Naples, a place full of esoteric symbols and religious.
When: weekdays from 10:00 to 17:40, Sundays and holidays from 10:00 to 13:10.
Mai on Tuesday.
How: 6 €, reduced 4 €.
How to: Capodichino airport, Alibus Piazza Municipio stop, then bus 1, 4 or 82 C with a stop by New Marina.
From Central Station, Subway Line 2 Cavour stop.
The Treasure of San Gennaro in Naples
The binding of Neapolitans San Gennaro goes far beyond the simple devotion to the patron saint. It 'a gut feeling shared, which over the centuries has passed prohibitions and restrictions, more strength to strength. Despite San Gennaro is considered a saint by the church of "Series B", it is not for the Neapolitans. The treasure is the most immediate and important evidence of this love for "Yellow Face", the name by which the Neapolitans call the Holy due to its most famous statue in gilded silver. The Treasure of San Gennaro is located in the museum dedicated to the saint, in the Cathedral of Naples, and collects relics and precious objects, become the oracles of faith. The Treasury also includes statues, silver candlesticks and various devotees have jealously protected during the numerous looting of the city. Testament to how the Neapolitans consider San Gennaro a presence nearby and comforting, like a dear neighbor, to fall back in times of need, but also when you just want to talk a bit '.
When: Daily 9:00 to 14:00. Also open on 1 January, Easter, the Monday after Easter, August 15 and December 25.
How much: € 6, reduced € 4.50. Groups of at least 15 people € 4.50 per person with reservation and guidance required. Students € 3.50. All tickets of the museum include multilingual audio guide while stocks last.
How to: metro line 1 stop "Cavour" or line 2 stop "Museum".
What to buy in Naples
Naples is still one of the cheapest cities in Italy. Depending on the availability of budget, you can choose between the designer shops on Via dei Mille, Via Chiaia, Via Poerio and via Calabritto, the shopping streets cheaper, Via Roma and Corso Umberto, and the typical popular markets. From typical port city and the realm of art of getting by, you will be invited to participate in markets and negotiations ultra improvised choreography. There may happen to buy on the street, a generation mobile, and find that, in fact, you have been sold an empty box, at most, a mobile wood. Welcome to the middle of the Neapolitan tradition: you have just made the "package". Of course, just be a bit 'careful to avoid these souvenirs to bring home expensive and unnecessary. Be wary of who offers a bargain at discounted prices, on the corner of an alley and in a hurry to get money.
Renting a car in Italy, here are the tips for saving
Rent a car when you are on vacation in Italy is a way pretico and economical to visit in total freedom places that interest you most,
Of course you have to know how to choose the right car for cost and performance, it will seem strange, but the cars used in Italy because it is easy to drive, very economical on fuel, easy to park and drive in traffic in many Italian cities is the Smart.
The smart can be hired in Italy at a very low and do not be fooled by the very small size of this machine, its performance is good, and can travel long distances with extreme comfort and a high fuel economy, below you will find all the sites where you can rent a smart.
Tuscany and Florence
Tuscany is one of the most beautiful regions of Italy, with its many cities has hosted more than 45 million tourists in 2011.
Florence is one of the most visited cities in Tuscany.
1) What to see in Florence?
Known as the birthplace of the Renaissance, has so much to offer that often even the Florentines know all the riches of their city.
On a day in Florence manage to see a lot of things. In fact, the historical center of Florence, where the main attractions are concentrated, is relatively small and it is easy to get around on foot. Definitely in the Top 10 in Florence is Piazza Duomo with its splendid cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Giotto's Bell Tower and the Baptistery, there is Piazza della Signoria with the Palazzo Vecchio and the beautiful statues in the Loggia dei Lanzi. And then the Uffizi Gallery and the Ponte Vecchio fascinating.
The Uffizi Gallery is the first Italian museum with over 2200 works of art and about 1.5 million visitors a year. Despite the possibility to book Uffizi tickets in advance can often see endless queues in front. In addition, it may happen that after a couple of hours in line, the museum will not accept new entries. Since the inputs are limited to a certain number of people, it can happen that it is necessary to wait even a few days to get a reservation at the Uffizi. To avoid being in Florence and visit the Uffizi Gallery, you should book your input at least one week in advance (at least 2 weeks if in season!). The method most 'convenient is to book tickets for the Uffizi online and pay directly with your credit card.
2) Where to eat in Florence?
Eat when you are in a country that you do not know is always a risk, both for the quality of food, both for the high prices that we are forced to pay.
The first rule is to avoid absolutely the restaurants in the city center or located near museums or places with large influx of tourists, these restaurants offer lousy food at very expensive.
If you can not help but to eat in the center of Florence, I recommend a restaurant very popular with the Florentines, who is just a few steps from the cathedral of Florence "by Mario Fiaschetteria"
Another place to eat well and spend little is definitely the central market of Florence, where with 5 euro you can eat the famous "sandwich lampredotto"
Another tip, never ask the receptionist at your hotel where to eat, there would propose restaurants where you can eat well and cheaply, but I would suggest restaurants where he receives a commission for every tourist who sends money to eat at that restaurant .
3) Where to have fun in the evening
The local differ greatly between them and allow to have available a great choice. You may happen to spend the day by a road that apparently you do not have a great significance for the evening and then spend again to see that in the same way are magically 'born' 3 or 4 rooms full of people. In every part of the city center consists of many small pubs, cafes and disco closed that day and suddenly the night come alive with life. Some Florentine usually meet to take a drink to have a chat and to plan projects of the evening. The preferred area for a drink is the Lungarno where every night, but especially on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays pubs and wine bars are literally besieged. Others prefer to have a chat at the table in front of a good steak and a good glass of wine in one of the famous restaurants or in a typical Florentine where you can savor the delights of Tuscan cuisine prepared with recipes of the past.
In general, however, all pouring into the night spots. Some prefer the breweries and can spend the evening in one of these or maybe do a tour of the main pubs in the area, while others prefer to go dancing in one of the clubs that are open all year round. Each club has its own style and genre of music which can vary depending on the day of the week or special events planned. Some clubs, the largest, have several dance floors and offer, in each of these, a variety of music genres. In the historical center of Florence, there are three large clubs (the Maracana, the Yab, the Jaragua, the Space Eletronic), the other (FullUp, Andromeda, ExMud, Kaffeine, ...) are abbastanze small but always full of tourists from every part of the world. Other big clubs are very busy in the Suburbs Tenax Meccanò and Central Park (Parco delle Cascine) in these places are organized evenings with live music and DJs from across Europe call for those who want to spend an evening, say, alternative can go in one of three sexy club in the immediate vicinity, these places are in the suburbs and clearly allow entry only for an adult audience.
If you have questions to ask and to ask for advice, do not hesitate to write!
You are about to take a trip to Italy?
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